老乞丐略略出神,然後回答她:“I think that every period of time has its specific meaning, so the current predicament is also a reasonable existence. Isn't it? ”(我想,每一段時光的存在都有它特定的意義, 所以,現在的困境也是個合理的存在。不是嗎?)他繼而轉問:“You seem a bit sad.”(您看起來好像有些憂傷。)周妡瑤努力地擠出一個苦笑,心中的憂傷卻如潮水般湧出:“You're right, I'm a bit sad, it's a bit sad. What's sad is not that it's over, but that everything is over, and something is still there.”(您沒說錯 ,我是有些憂傷,是有些傷感的事,傷感的不是結束了,而是一切都結束了,有些東西卻還在那裡。)她的眼眶溼潤,那種無法言說的痛楚在心中蔓延。
老乞丐似懂非懂地點點頭:“Inconstancy in human affection is just like the cycle of flowerage; we'd better consider it as an inevitable change of seasons.”(人情冷暖,有如花開花謝,我們最好將其視為不可避 免的季節更迭。)周妡瑤眼眶有些溼潤,茫然自語:“But I think I could never adapt to this.”(可我覺得我怎麼也適應不了這種變幻。)她長嘆一口氣,若有所思地自語著:“And it is also true,the one with the most true feelings hurts deep in the end.”(的確,何嘗不是這樣呢,感情中最真的那個往往受傷也最深。)老乞丐抬頭望天,又低頭看看牆上太陽的影子,起身離去。他似乎是趕去某個地方,並未意識到襤褸的衣兜裡掉下來沒來得及 丟到垃圾桶的幾個香蕉皮。