
第19章 IS of ELECTRE Method Family (第2/4頁)


own as ELEctRE. It involves a systematic analysis of the relationship between all possible pairings of the different options, based on each option's scores on a set of mon criteria of evaluation. the result is a measure of the degree to which each option outranks all others. the methodology entails the construction of an outranking relation, the generation of concordance and discordance indices including the notion of relative importance of each criterion and an analysis of the results obtained from an overall evaluation of all the outranking relationships derived.

“there are six main versions of ELEctRE-I, II, III, IV, tri and IS……”


“不對,這段話有問題。我終於知道問題在哪了!我不能把還沒面世的方法寫進去。在高盧國的伯納德·羅伊(bernard Roy)最先發明的ELEctRE方法族的部分方法中,I是羅伊在60年代搞出來的,II是1971-1973年出現的,III是羅伊在1978年創造的,這三個倒是和我那邊的歷史一樣。IV還沒有出現,原計劃是羅伊和於戈納爾在兩年後推出的新玩意。我估計我還有最多一年時間,可以試試看把它搞出來。





重生1984老婆孩子熱炕頭 前男友死在婚宴上,我成了嫌疑犯? 不認命 分手後,撿到憨憨小女友 帝國風雲 長生訣 冰冷總裁未婚妻